Local Government Property Tax

Streamlined tax billing and collections software engineered with integrated features and time-saving automation.

Government Property Tax Software

Transform your tax process with Edmunds Tax Billing Solutions. Manage, bill, and report on your jurisdiction’s tax-related needs via an all-encompassing module. Designed with citizens and municipalities in mind, our module provides easy-to-use features and flexible customization for local governments of all sizes.

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Key Benefits Property Tax Software

Key Benefits

Icon Unlimite Tax Types

Unlimited tax types and data storage.

Icon Ensure Accuracy

Statute and regulation compliant.

Icon Fast Secure

Fast and secure payment processing via online bill pay.

Icon Valuable Data Access

Easily reprint bills and customize citizen notifications.


Powered by centralized data that is fully integrated with other modules.

Icon Automate

Automatic parcel data imports and integrations.

What Edmunds Tax Billing & Collections Can Empower You to Do:

Property Tax Reporting
Icon Service

Collect fees efficiently

Citizens can choose from a variety of payment options with easy access, including online bill pay and e-notifications.

Icon Seemless

Customized data integration

Import and access critical data integrated from any assessment or appraisal system, parcel data files, our Finance Super Suite, and more.

Icon Reporting 1

Monitor and track municipal tax data

Centralized data allows enhanced record-keeping of all municipal charges and parcel data.

Icon Automation

Maximize operations through automation

Alleviate tedious tasks and save time with the ability to automate multiple facets of your data entry processes.

Icon Tasks

Provide greater accessibility for citizens

Residents can access their tax information directly using our online web portal and mobile app options.

Icon Stressless

Revitalized reporting

Create customizable insights for both internal and external constituents alike.

Property Tax Automation

Tax Billing FAQs

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Data Sheet

Tax Billing & Collections

Download Sheet

Streamline and Simplify Tax Billing with Edmunds.

Request Demo Today